Sunday, December 23, 2007

Lee Hom Concert @ Jakarta (11 Jan 08)

Lee Hom will held an upcoming concert @ Sands Jakarta, Mangga Dua Square on 11 Jan 08.

Seat price of this concert:
VVIP : Rp 2.500.000
VIP : Rp 2.000.000
Platinum : Rp 1.500.000
Gold : Rp1.000.000
Silver : Rp 500.000
Festival : Rp 300.000

Contact persons:, ,

or call this number:
6231 2888, 6231 3300

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

DnD Takasago 07

Takasago Dinner n Dance 2007 was held at singapore civilisation museum at 14 Dec. This year event brought up shanghai casino nite theme... so the dress code must also followed the theme....

AT 6.30 pm the gate was open. Before the event begun, guests could have a palm reading, tattooing, and of course the casino... I did the tattoo on my left chin. To play at casino, every guests got 5 chips to play with. the chips can be used also for later auction. I lose all mine to dealer hiks...

7.30 pm, but the event haven't started yet... I was so hungry --"
Finally, at 7.50 pm, MC opened the show... but not dinner yet.. weks... Then takasago girls came out to dance and sing some chinese folk songs.. aiyo yo... after the taka girls, MC want us to played the game 1st... 14 tables is divided into two teams: golden and red team.. i joined the golden team one... at final, the winner team will get ang pao to each person :)

the game somehow was pending... Committee gave awards to long time service employers (5, 10, 15, and 20 years)... wow... 20 years??? ck ck ck

after that, the moment i waiting for.... the "makan" time... yeah....

Then, DnD is continued with another games show, lucky draw for 20 price, a show by two girls...

the game was pending again. this time MC announced the nomination of best dressed male and female, which will be crowned as Mr. and Mrs. Takasago... and guess what... I am one of the nominator.... wew... I'm so socked yet still got excited... haha... Like Hey, gorgeous (ch u show) the best 3 must do something before got voted.... Men have to do a catwalk and dance tuo tiau - tuo tiau... women have to do a catwalk but not doing that tuo tiau - tuo tiau... wew... not fair aaa.... --"

After each showing their best, we got voted... and guess what... I won.... I was crowned as Mr. Takasago... what an em brassing moment...
Mrs Takasago is Ivy, my Indonesian colleagues..

after this silly mr and mrs thing... the game was continued and golden team was won and got angpao... haha....

Finally, the moment we've been waiting for that is lucky draw. the grand price was $1188, 2nd price was trip to Bangkok, and 3rd price was digital camera... and as you guys can guessed.. I was no luck in any draw before, so was I this time.. lol

the time have already showed 11.05 pm, all people went to the floor to dance dance dance....
we left the ballroom at 11.45, a perfect time to catch the last MRT train...

so that's the story lho... I still very em brassed until now because suddenly I became a famous man in office... lol.... It's not a good thing haiz...

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Spice Girls Kicked Off World Tour Concert after 9 years off

Well the reviews are in, the Spice Girls’ first concert has actually gotten pretty good reviews. The sold-out Vancouver show had over 15,000 people in attendance. The girls were never known for their singing, so no one’s really evaluating them on that. They weren’t even the greatest dancers. But they were good performers and knew how to please an audience, and according to the professionals (ie people that get paid to review Spice Girls concerts… what a job) the girls still have it.

Here is the review quoted from Reuters

The solid gold Spice Girls,” said London’s Evening Standard, a reference to golden outfits the “girl power” quintet sported during the show, one of several costume changes on the night. The reviewer called the performance “ebullient pop music of a very high standard, presented with panache, and highly unlikely to provoke any attendance at the refund window.”

Despite the sassy young singers who stormed the pop world in the 1990s all now being in their 30s, four of them with children, they had yet to pass their sell-by date. “There seems no diminution in the energy they are prepared to expend, or the lengths they will go to to please the audience.”

The Vancouver Sun noted the crush for Spice Girls merchandise, underlining the lasting appeal of Victoria “Posh Spice” Beckham, Melanie “Sporty” Chisholm, Geri “Ginger” Halliwell, Melanie “Scary” Brown and Emma “Baby” Bunton. “Just as it was 10 years ago, the show wasn’t about great singing or dancing,” wrote the reviewer. “But it was about great entertainment. And the girls delivered the spice.”

There are some debates to whether or not they were lip-syncing… but the debate seems to be mostly between critics, as their fans don’t seem to give any attention about it.
Posh’s husband David Beckham did showed up with their children. Several reviewers did note that all the girls had a solo performance except for Posh. Apparently she’s the worst singer of the group.

Sunday, December 2, 2007


mungkin semua uda tau ttg friendster, tp masi byk yg blum dgr ttg facebook, yang katanya skrg lg booming di US sana n segera akan menggantikan kepopuleran friendster.

Berikut ini sejarah singkat FaceBook spt dikutip dari wikipedia...
Facebook dibuat oleh Mark Zuckerberg, seorang lulusan Harvard pd tgl 4 Feb 2004.
Keanggotaannya pada awalnya dibatasi untuk siswa dari Harvard College. Dalam dua bulan selanjutnya, keanggotaannya diperluas ke sekolah lain di wilayah Boston (Boston College, Boston University, MIT, Tufts), Rochester, Stanford, NYU, Northwestern, dan semua sekolah yang termasuk dalam Ivy League. Banyak perguruan tinggi lain yang selanjutnya ditambahkan berturut-turut dalam kurun waktu satu tahun setelah peluncurannya. Akhirnya, orang-orang yang memiliki alamat surat-e suatu universitas (seperti .edu,, dll) dari seluruh dunia dapat juga bergabung dengan situs ini.

Selanjutnya dikembangkan pula jaringan untuk sekolah-sekolah tingkat atas dan beberapa perusahaan besar. Sejak 11 September 2006, orang dengan dengan alamat surat-e apa pun dapat mendaftar di Facebook. Pengguna dapat memilih untuk bergabung dengan satu atau lebih jaringan yang tersedia, seperti berdasarkan sekolah tingkat atas, tempat kerja, atau wilayah geografis.

Hingga Juli 2007, situs ini memiliki jumlah pengguna terdaftar paling besar di antara situs-situs yang berfokus pada sekolah dengan lebih dari 34 juta anggota aktif yang dimilikinya dari seluruh dunia. Dari September 2006 hingga September 2007, peringkatnya naik dari posisi ke-60 ke posisi ke-7 situs paling banyak dikunjungi, dan merupakan situs nomor satu untuk foto di Amerika Serika, mengungguli situs publik lain seperti Flickr, dengan 8,5 juta foto dimuat setiap harinya

AS Juara Piala Davis*

Amerika Serikat menjuarai Piala Davis pertamanya semenjak tahun 1995 usai pasangan gandanya Bob/Mike Bryan menundukkan pasangan Rusia Nikolay Davydenko/Igor Andreev 7-6 (4), 6-4, 6-2.

Kemenangan Bob/Mike Bryan -- yang juga merupakan saudara kembar -- di Memorial Coliseum Portland, AS, Minggu (2/12/2007) membuat AS sudah memenangi tiga dari lima laga final, setelah sebelumnya Andy Roddick dan James Blake meraih kemenangan.

Sehari sebelumnya, Roddick membuka kemenangan AS dengan skor 6-4, 6-4, 6-2.
"Saya melakukan servis sangat baik saat latihan sepanjang pekan ini, saya merasa telah menemukan jalur saya dan itu membuat lebih mudah ketika bermain cepat dalam melakukan servis", ungkap Roddick yang memang memiliki servis keras ini, seperti dilansir yahoosport

Sementara di partai kedua, AS kembali memperbesar kemenangan menjadi 2-0 lewat Blake, Namun petenis AS peringkat 13 dunia ini harus bekerja keras lebih dulu sebelum akhirnya menaklukkan Youzhny dengan skor 6-3, 7-6, 6-7, 7-6.

Dengan keunggulan 2-0 buat kubu As, pertandingan antara Bpb/Mike Bryan dan Davydenko/Andreev berjalan alot di set pertama sehingga harus memasuki tiebreak. Ketika pasangan AS unggul 5-3, kubu Rusia sepertinya mulai merasa tertekan dan Andreev pun terlihat membanting raketnya di lapangan.

Dibantu dukungan publik tuan rumah, pasangan AS mampu meredam Davydenko di game pertama set kedua dan akhirnya mampu mempertahankan keunggulan dua set, untuk membuat set kedua ditutup 6-4. Davydenko kembali dapat ditahan dengan baik pada game ketiga dan ketujuh di set ketiga sebelum pasangan AS akhirnya mengunci kemenangan.

Kemenangan itu pun disambut gegap gempita kubu AS.

*) dikutip dari detiksport

Saturday, December 1, 2007

amel bday at NTU

hari ini ada acara makan2 di cafe nya NTU.
temen kuliah gw dulu traktir makan2 di sono.
katanya sih cafe itu terletak di puncak nya NTU. dgr begitu bayanginnya seru deh... haha

pagi ini rada telat bgn nya.. almost 10 am aa... buru2 mandi, gogi, ganti pakaian...
liat2 jam.. dah jam 10an... janji ama tmn ketemuan di mrt red hill jam 11...
gawatnya blum beli kado pula... (sori mel, kalo baca harap jgn marah hihi)
akhirnya pg deh ke tiong bahru plaza.. challenger blum jg buka (dr kemarin dah ngincar sih mau beli tas disini).

lagi nunggu, felix (cowo nya amel) telpon kalo janjian ketemuan di mrt undur stgh jam, akhirnya gw ju pg sarapan lho.

hbs sarapan ke challenger, beli tas, then pg toko more than words buat bungkus kado...
hbs tuh buru2 naik mrt ke red hill, ketemuan ama felix, sherly, n karyono.. naik taksi ke nanyang. supir taksi nya rada goblok jg. masa nanyang aja ga tau, blg NTU jg ga tau... swt deh
dia taunya nantu..... aduh... swt lagi deh....

nyampe di NTU kira2 jam 12, ternyata cafe yg dibayangin rada beda deh... "puncak" nya beda hahahaha...
actually, the cafe is not that bad. it is located just in front of school of computer engineering.
(apa hub nya ya) hahaha

amel ternyata dh tungguin ama temenya. namanya patrik, org indo jg, lulusan UI.
then datanglah satu cewe manis dengan bawa payung, namanya vero, anak untar angk 2001. jadi total ada 7 org deh.

hbs pesan makan (gw pesan grilled salmon), ya biasa lha ngobrol2... biasanya korban pembicaraan si amel, tp x ini korban nya si sherly deh hahaha...
jam 1an gt dgr radio deh (dah janji ama someone buat dgr radio jam segitu), tp ternyata gw salah jadwal pula. gw ingatnya jam 12 indo, ternyata acara di radio itu mulai jam 12 sg... wah lau eh....sori ya.... hiks hiks

makan selesai, sesi foto2... jepret sana jepret sini... tp model2 cewe komentar nya byk x.. ya jgn close up lha
jgn keliatan jerawat lha... swt bgt x haha

acara bubar deh, tp alamak hrs jalan kaki turun gunung ke bus stop... waaaaaaaa.... tanggung jwb mel. kok ga dijelasin dulu seluk beluk tmpt makanya aaaaaaaaaaaa....

but anyway.... thx for the lunch... wish u the best this year n next year :)