Sunday, October 19, 2008
Anonymous song - please help to identify this
today i got this song... it is damn good and beautiful piano play, but too bad i don't know what song it is and who sang this... --"
anyone who happens know this song, could you please please tell me okay... hehe
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Agnes Monica received Best Asian Singer Award at Asia Song Festival 2008

Indonesian pop princess Agnes Monica gave star performance at the Asia Song Festival 2008 in Sangam Stadium, Seoul, South Korea, Oct 4, 2008. Agnes who performed just before Korean popular boyband DBSK, as expected by the people of Indonesia, brought Indonesian culture, this time the Balinese dance, to the Asian stage and once again showed how beautiful a combination of Indonesian and western culture could be.

Asia Song Festival is a music festival with Asia's greates stars and brings Asia together as the of cultural exchange. It began in 2004 and this year would be its 5th anniversary this year.
Complete list of participating artists in the 2008 Asia Song Festival are as follows:
EVE NIGHT (October 03, 2008)
Asian Newcomers:

MAIN CONCERT (October 04, 2008)
Best Asian Singer Awards:

In this show, the energetic Agnes and her dancers performed two songs from her upcoming new album. The first song was her new single 'Godai Aku Lagi' and the second one is a very brand new song 'Shake It Off' which hasn't been released in Indonesia yet. The audience might not understood the language (Indonesian and English), however Agnes got warm applause from the people there, including when she received the Best Singer Award from the committee.

Before appearing on stage, the MC introduced Agnes as the Indonesia's Lee Hyo Ri, a famous star in Korea. It was a fabulous performance of her that she earned good reviews from some local articles.
According to sookyeong, the local news article quotes her as Indonesia’s Lee Hyori, while sarcasticlyazn says she was pretty awesome. (Also, finally they spell her name correctly!). writes a headline with: 'Ahsongpe' Agnes Monica, sexy dance-off stage, dragging attention.
Korea Times writes: Agnes Monica, described as the Britney Spears of Indonesia, also attracted attention for her sizzling dance number. Although I'm sure it's purely a compliment, I don't know why they always associate her with Britney Spears just because she dances. Her voice is absolutely far better than Britney. It's time for Asia to stop associating our artists with American stars while some of them are even better or can make a par with American artists.
Go News quotes: Indonesia Lee Hyori, Agnes Monica showing a great performance
Fancam videos already available on youtube, but fans are still waiting for her official video performance, while her photos are in high demand. In the meantime, just enjoy the photos and the articles. Agnes Monica has made Indonesia proud. Well done, Agnes!

“Agnes Monica SARANGHEYO!” This line was shouted again and again by Agnes Monica new fans in Korea after the show of Asia Song Festival 2008 over, right in front of the hotel where she spent the night. The young R&B/pop singer came to the festival without any expectation but to share her passion of music with other Asian countries. However the result was even beyond her expectation.
Agnes, who at first wasn’t considered as noticeable, became a dark horse and turned the table. Given a risky chance to perform between two famous bands from Japan and Korea, Agnes Monica proved her capacity with excellent. Warm appreciation from the music lovers, the Korean audience, was given to her energetic and communicative performance. For Agnes and her fans, the gig in Asia Song Festival was quiet a successful night where music breaks the language barrier.
“I had an exceedingly opportunity when I performed in Korea. I’m so happy. The astonishing ovation from the audience in Korea, and even many screamed and asked for my photos outside the hotel. Ooow…When I saw this, the fans in Indonesia just crossed my mind. It made me smiles a lot,” recalls Agnes Monica.
Agnes confesses she didn’t feel nervous at all, and in fact she felt impatient and was excited to perform instead. She feels so thankful and happy knowing that she’s got positive responses from the people there which were more than what she expected. The girl who’s about to release her third album was so surprise too when in the farewell party the officials of ASF committee gave her special thanks and speech about herself.
Besides performing on the concert, Agnes got interviewed by a lot of press including Hong Kong’s biggest TV station TVB, the TV stations from Korea, Japan, and even from Uzbekistan. Several local producers asked the prospect of cooperation with Agnes as well. Regarding this odd-on chance, the pretty girl can only ask for prayer and support from her fans.
“I am speechless. Feels like a dream comes true. But I know it’s all the result of hard work and it’s only the beginning. I still have to do a lot of work and a lot of things that I cannot explain and describe here.”
“In this very moment, I just wanna say how happy and thankful I am. And I keep getting convinced, there is no ‘impossible’ as long as we know what we want and we are willing to do what it takes to reach that level. Work hard, courage, consistency, sacrifices, and of course prays and surrenders in God, and also has faith or believes!” She goes on.
Agnes also emphasizes that problems exist not to scare us, but to be solved and to make us stronger. “So if there’s any problem, hey…bring it on!” She ends her journal.
News and images compiled from indonesianhearthrob and asiasongfestival
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
New MacBook

Apple has launched new generation of MacBook. This new MacBook starts at USD 1299 or SGD 2088.

Seamless glass and instant full screen brightness make everything you see flat-out spectacular. Including the display itself.

Up to 5 times faster NVIDIA graphics performance.
Advanced NVIDIA integrated graphics provide more responsive gameplay and more realistic 3D environments.

All-new, smooth glass Multi-touch trackpad.
It’s redesigned with even more room for even more gestures. Now the entire glass trackpad is also the button, so it’s clickable everywhere.

Meanwhile, original MacBook (now it is called as MacBook White) is sold slightly lower at USG 999 or SGD 1588
Friday, October 10, 2008
Starhub Freedom in Music-Man Lee Hom Concert

StarHub is sponsoring the Wang Leehom Music-Man concert on 1 Nov 2008 at the Indoor Stadium. Leehom is a highly acclaimed four-time Golden Melody Award-winning Taiwanese-American singer-songwriter and actor who have achieved highly recognized success in Asia.
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Sign up to a 2 year StarHub mobile package with the NEW Sony Ericsson W902 Walkman phone and get a pair of tickets worth $156 to the concert. Limited to 1st 350 customers only
Sign up to a 2 year StarHub mobile package with Sony Ericsson W960 or W760 and get a MPS-30 Speakers, Exclusive concert poster . Limited to first 400 customers
- Available at StarHub shops and EP outlets
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Sign Up for the W902 handset with a 2 year StarHub mobile package via StarHub Online shop and get a pair of tickets to the concert worth $216.
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MaxOnline / StarHub TV Mechanics
Get a pair of Wang Leehom concert tickets worth $216 free when you sign up for a NEW MaxOnline or StarHub TV (with min. 24-month contract). Exclusive at Plaza Singapura Shop or IMM Shop. Limited to first 30 customers at each location
Content Mechanics
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Promotion message: SMS
Get the full songs on
Friday, October 3, 2008
The Childern of Hurin (story by J.R.R. Tolkien)
It is indeed a dark tale as it has no happy ending (at all), so for those who is not keen on bad ending story, i would not recommend this to you. It also has a quite simple theme, yet has unwell developed character here. It is not a marvelous work if compared to Lord of the Ring
I'm going to tell briefly about this book. Skip this if you'd like to.
the tale began at the history of Hurin, his ancestors, his wife. Hurin is a hero of the First Age in Middle-Earth, wedded to Morwen, and had three children, Turin, Erwen, and Nienor. As the title can tell you, the story was centered on Turin. Erwen is not been told much as she died in young age.
Hurin and his brother, Hour went to the battle against Mordor, the dark Lord. while Hour died, Hurin was being captured by Mordor. As Hurin refuse to tell the way how to go to the hidden kingdom, Mordor cursed him along with his kins. He was placed in the high place on through power of Mordor, later he could see or hear the evils that fall upon his children, Turin and Nienor.
While they heard no news about Hurin, Morwen sent Turin to Thingol, king of Elf, whom fostered Turin as his son. After Turin became a man himself, the curse which casted upon him has started. Being an ungrateful foster son, he (accidentally) caused a dead of an old elf and later runaway. Then he slayed (by mistake) his own friend in the darkness for an orc come to torment him. Turin later was happened to become a love stealer. The woman, Findulias, who beloved to other man has fallen for him, but Turin did not perceived it. Ego and arrogant of Turin caused a deep and great lose to Nargothrond, which he stayed there for few years. The doom upon Turin has not finished yet, as the latest the worst have not come yet.
but how worst it was.... i'm regret to say that i won't spoil the fun of reading books, so you better go find and read it yourself hehe...
Dao Xiang by Jay Chou (with lyric)
Music: Jay Chou
Lyrics: Jay Chou
Translated by *meow -
dui zhe ge shi jie ru guo ni you tai duo de bao yuan
If you have too many grievances towards this world,
die dao le jiu bu gan ji xu wang qian zou
Having fallen, you lose the courage to go on
為什麼人要這麼的脆弱 墮落
wei shen me ren yao zhe me de cui ruo duo luo
Why do people want to be so weak and fallen?
qing ni da kai dian shi kan kan
Please turn on the television now and see for yourself
duo shao ren wei sheng ming zai nu li yong gan de zou xia qu
So many people bravely fighting for their lives
wo men shi bu shi gai zhi zu
Shouldn’t we be content,
珍惜一切 就算沒有擁有
zhen xi yi qie jiu suan mei you yong you
Cherish all we have, even if we don’t possess them
hai ji de ni shuo jia shi wei yi de cheng bao
I still remember you said home is your only castle
sui zhe dao xiang he liu ji xu ben pao
Following the paddy fragrance, the flowing stream, I continued running
微微笑 小時候的夢我知道
wei wei xiao xiao shi hou de meng wo zhi dao
Smile, I know the childhood dreams
bu yao ku rang ying huo chong dai zhe ni tao pao
Don’t cry, let the fireflies take you away, escaping
xiang jian de ge yao yong yuan de yi kao
You will always find serenity in folk songs
回家吧 回到最初的美好*
hui jia ba hui dao zui chu de mei hao
Go home, return to the sweet past
不要這麼容易就想放棄 就像我說的
bu yao zhe me rong yi jiu xiang fang qi jiu xiang wo shuo de
Don’t give up so easily, just like what I said,
追不到的夢想 換個夢不就得了
zhui bu dao de meng xiang huan ge meng bu jiu de liao
If the dream can’t be reached, then just follow another dream
wei zi ji de ren sheng xian yan shang se
Add bright colours to your own life
xian ba ai tu shang xi huan de yan se
Paint LOVE in your favourite colour
笑一個吧 功成名就不是目的
xiao yi ge ba gong cheng ming jiu bu shi mu di
Smile, fame and success isn’t the aim
rang zi ji kuai le kuai le zhe cai jiao zuo yi yi
Be happy. That is the whole meaning
@ 童年的紙飛機 現在終於飛回我手裡
tong niang de zhi fei ji xian zai zhong yu fei hui wo shou li
(Just like how) I finally found my lost childhood innocence
#所謂的那快樂 赤腳在田裡追蜻蜓追到累了
suo wei de na kuai le chi jiao zai tian li zhui qing ting zhui dao lei le
What is happiness? It’s chasing dragonflies in the fields barefooted till we’re exhausted
偷摘水果被蜜蜂給叮到怕了 誰在偷笑呢
tou zhai shui guo bei mi feng gei ding dao pa le shui zai tou xiao ne
Tried to steal fruits but suffered so much beestungs until i am scared. Who’s snickering (at me)?
wo kao zhe dao cao ren chui zhe feng chang zhe ge shui zhao le
Leaning against the scarecrow, enjoying the wind, singing songs till I fall asleep
哦 哦 午後吉他在蟲鳴中更清脆
o o wu hou ji ta zai chong ming zhong geng qing cui
Oh~ Oh~ In the afternoon, the guitar chords sound more crisp amidst the cries of the insects
哦 哦 陽光灑在路上就不怕心碎
o o yang guang sa zai lu shang jiu bu pa xin sui
Oh~ Oh~ The sunlight shines on the road so there’s no need to fear a heartbreak
珍惜一切 就算沒有擁有#
zhen xi yi qie jiu suan mei you yong you
Cherish everything, even if we don’t possess them
Repeat **#*