Friday, August 29, 2008
Neil Armstrong bukan Manusia Pertama Yang Menginjakkan Kakinya Dibulan
Benarkah Neil Amstrong Telah Benar-benar Menginjakkan Kakinya dibulan
Baru Baru ini telah terungkap fakta yang mengejutkan tentang keaslian foto di NASA
Inilah bukti barunya …
Inilah yang dunia lihat tentang foto tersebut
Tetapi sadarkah anda ada bayangan yang tertutup dalam foto tersebut ?????????.......
Sekarang mari kita lihat foto sebenarnya..... ......... .....!!!! !
Oooh......Ternyata Pak Slamet Duluan Yang Sampe Di Bulan ........
Bukan Neil Amstrongg.......Wallaaaahh......................
Renji on Metro TV
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Lee Hom Music - Man World Tour 2008 (Singapore)
1 Nov 2008 Sat, 8:00PM
Approx 2 Hrs 30 Mins
Singapore Indoor Stadium
TICKET PRICE (Exclude Booking Fee)
Standard - S$198, S$168, S$138, S$108, S$78
After a long-awaited two years, the ever talented mandopop golden boy LEE HOM is all ready to bring his musical best to the Singapore fans, together with a new identity “Music Man”, at the upcoming “MUSIC- MAN” LEE HOM World Tour 2008!
Following the huge success of the Heroes of the Earth Concert tour in 2006, as well as the highly received music production and movie works, the multi-talented LEE HOM continues his reign as one of the leading Chinese music top performer.
Assuming his role as the music director in this new wave of performance, LEE HOM continues to explore beyond the unlimited realms of creativity and possibilities that music brings in his latest offering. Inspired by his childhood adoration of American Super Heroes comics, the music perfectionist unveils a brand new image of the futuristic “Music Man”, matched up with an electrifying array of music and visual effects at this exhilarating concert tour!
At the upcoming concert, fans can expect to be a night of astounding visual sound and lighting effects, all in rolled one futuristic extravaganza! Be thrilled by LEE HOM’s remarkable showmanship of music hits such as “改變自己”, “落葉歸根”, “永遠的第一天”, “FOREVER LOVE”, “心中的日月”, “唯一”, “蓋世英雄”, “KISS GOODBYE” as well as songs from his brand new album at this highly anticipated performance! It would definitely be a revitalizing music experience not to be missed!
For more information and updates on the concert, please log on to or to book the tickets, kindly go to
Graduation (Friends Forever)
Where we're gonna be when we turn 25
I keep thinking times will never change
Keep on thinking things will always be the same
But when we leave this year we won't be coming back
No more hanging out cause we're on a different track
And if you got something that you need to say
You better say it right now cause you don't have another day
Cause we're moving on and we can't slow down
These memories are playing like a film without sound
And I keep thinking of that night in June
I didn't know much of love
But it came too soon
And there was me and you
And then we got real blue
Stay at home talking on the telephone
We would get so excited and we'd get so scared
Laughing at ourselves thinking life's not fair
And this is how it feels
So if we get the big jobs
And we make the big money
When we look back now
Will our jokes still be funny?
Will we still remember everything we learned in school?
Still be trying to break every single rule
I keep, I keep thinking that it's not goodbye
Keep on thinking it's a time to fly
And this is how it feels
As we go on
We remember
All the times we
Had together
And as our lives change
Come Whatever
We will still be
Friends Forever
Will we think about tomorrow like we think about now?
Can we survive it out there?
Can we make it somehow?
I guess I thought that this would never end
And suddenly it's like we're women and men
Will the past be a shadow that will follow us 'round?
Will these memories fade when I leave this town
I keep, I keep thinking that it's not goodbye
Keep on thinking it's a time to fly
Quoted from Vitamin C (with a bit modifies)...
Congrats to my beloved students who has done 4 years studying and working hard.
I'm happy for and proud of you all.
Wish you all d best in the future after taking the Bachelor or Sarjana Komputer (known as Baskom) title :)
Although I did not attend your memorable moment, I can feel down in my heart I was there watching you one by one...
Friday, August 15, 2008
FAQs tentang kentut
kentut sering dihina
kentut sering dianggap anak haram karena kadang nggak diketahui siapa yang melahirkannya ke dunia ini
mari kita liat masa lalu kentut...
kasian mereka...
1. Dari mana asal kentut ?
Dari gas dalam usus. Gas dalam usus berasal dari udara yang kita telan, yang menerobos ke usus dari darah, gas dari reaksi kimia & gas dari bakteri dalam perut.
2. Apa komposisi kentut ?
Bervariasi. Makin banyak udara anda telan, makin banyak kadar nitrogen dalam kentut (oksigen dari udara terabsorbsi oleh tubuh sebelum sampai di usus). Adanya bakteri serta reaksi kimia antara asam perut & cairan usus menghasilkan karbondioksida. Bakteri juga menghasilkan metana & hidrogen. Proporsi masing-masing gas tergantung apa yang anda makan, berapa banyak udara tertelan, jenis bakteri dalam usus, berapa lama kita menahan kentut. Makin lama menahan kentut, makin besar proporsi nitrogen, karena gas-gas lain terabsorbsi oleh darah melalui dinding usus. Orang yang makannya tergesa-gesa kadar oksigen dalam kentut lebih banyak karena tubuhnya tidak sempat mengabsorbsi oksigen. (Makanya jangan suka nahan kentut).
3. Kenapa kentut berbau busuk ? <== Pake nanya lagi
Bau kentut karena kandungan hidrogen sulfida & merkaptan. Kedua senyawa ini mengandung sulfur (belerang). Makin banyak kandungan sulfur dalam makanan anda, makin banyak sulfida & merkaptan diproduksi oleh bakteri dalam perut, & makin busuklah kentut anda.
Telur & daging punya peran besar dalam memproduksi bau busuk kentut. Kacang-kacangan berperan dalam memproduksi volume kentut, bukan dalam kebusukannya.
4. Kenapa kentut menimbulkan bunyi ? <== Bikin gw ngakak, tapi baca deh penjelasan ilmiahnya di bawah....
Karena adanya vibrasi lubang anus saat kentut diproduksi. Kerasnya bunyi tergantung pada kecepatan gas. (Dan diameter lubang anus anda, hi..hi....) <=== Gw bilang jg apa , jd kalo dah pada longgar tuh lubang anus..loe bayangin ndiri deh bunyinya ky apa? asli gw ngakak sendiri
5. Kenapa kentut yang busuk itu hangat & tidak bersuara ? duh...gak kuat gw nih!!
Salah satu sumber kentut adalah bakteri. Fermentasi bakteri & proses pencernaan memproduksi panas, hasil sampingnya adalah gas busuk. Ukuran gelembung gas lebih kecil, hangat & jenuh dengan produk metabolisme bakteri yg berbau busuk. Ini kemudian menjadi kentut, walau hanya kecil volumenya, tapi SBD (Silent But Deadly = Sunyi Tapi Mematikan ).
6. Berapa banyak kentut diproduksi sehari ?
Rata-rata setengah liter sehari dalam 14 kali kentut.
7. Mengapa kentut keluar melalui lubang dubur ?
Karena density-nya lebih ringan, kenapa gas kentut tidak melakukan perjalanan ke atas? Tidak demikian. Gerak peristaltik usus mendorong isinya ke arah bawah. Tekanan di sekitar anus lebih rendah. Gerak peristaltik usus menjadikan ruang menjadi bertekanan, sehingga memaksa isi usus, termasuk gas-nya untuk bergerak ke awasan yg bertekanan lebih rendah, yaitu sekitar anus. Dalam perjalanan ke arah anus, gelembung-gelembung kecil bergabung jadi gelembung besar. Kalau tidak ada gerak peristaltik, gelembung gas akan menerobos ke atas lagi, tapi tidak terlalu jauh, karena bentuk usus yg rumit & berbeit-belit. (Bayangkan kalo kentut keluar dari lubang hidung). <== Ada2 aja nih yang nulis
8. Berapa waktu yang diperlukan oleh kentut untuk melakukan perjalanan kehidung orang lain? <==== GokiiiiiiiiiiiiiiilllllllllllLLLL.....hahhahahahah ahaha
Tergantung kondisi udara, seperti kelembaban, suhu,kecepatan & arah angin, berat molekul gas kentut, jarak antara 'transmitter' dengan 'receiver'. Begitu meninggalkan sumbernya, gas kentut menyebar konsentrasinya berkurang. Kalau kentut tidak terdeteksi dalam beberapa detik, berarti mengalami pengenceran di udara & hilang ditelan udara selama-lamanya. Kecuali kalau anda kentut di ruang sempit, seperti lift, mobil, konsentrasinya lebih banyak, sehingga baunya akan tinggal dalam waktu lama sampai akhirnya diserap dinding.
9. Apakah setiap orang kentut ?
Sudah pasti, kalau masih hidup. Sesaat setelah meninggalpun orang masih bisa kentut. (Makanya gak usah malu kalo sering kentut)
10. Betulkah laki-laki kentut lebih sering daripada perempuan ?
Tidak ada kaitannya dengan gender.. Kalau benar, berarti perempuan menahan kentutnya, & saat kentut banyak sekali jumlah yg dikeluarkan. (Makanya kentut perempuan lebih bau, ha..ha....) <==== Ampuuuuuuunn!!!
11. Saat apa biasanya orang kentut ?
Pagi hari di toilet. yang disebut "morning thunder". Kalau resonansinya bagus, bisa kedengaran di seluruh penjuru rumah.
12. Mengapa makan kacang-kacangan menyebabkan banyak kentut ?
Kacang-kacangan mengandung zat gula yang tidak bisa dicerna tubuh. Gula tsb (raffinose, stachiose, erbascose) jika mencapai usus, bakteri di usus langsung berpesta pora & membuat banyak gas. Jagung, paprika, kubis, kembang kol, susu juga penyebab banyak kentut (bukan baunya!).
13. Selain makanan, apa saja penyebab kentut ?
Udara yang tertelan, makan terburu-buru, makan tanpa dikunyah, minum soft drink, naik pesawat udara (karena tekanan udara lebih rendah, sehingga gas di dalam usus mengalami ekspansi & muncul sebagai kentut).
14. Apakah kentut sama dengan sendawa, tapi muncul dari lain lubang ?
Tidak... sendawa muncul dari perut, komposisi kimianya lain dengan kentut. Sendawa mengandung udara lebih banyak, kentut mengandung gas yang Diproduksi oleh bakteri lebih banyak.
15. Kemana perginya gas kentut kalau ditahan tidak dikeluarkan ?
Bukan diabsorbsi darah, bukan hilang karena bocor..Tapi bermigrasi ke bagian atas menuju usus & pada gilirannya akan keluar juga. Jadi bukan lenyap, tapi hanya mengalami penundaan.
16. Mungkinkah kentut terbakar ?
Bisa saja. Kentut mengandung metana, hidrogen yang combustible (gas alam mengandung komponen ini juga). Kalau terbakar, nyala-nya berwarna biru karena kandungan unsur hidrogen. (Kalo naik gunung, lupa bawa korek api tapi mau masak indomie, pakai aja kentut buat nyalain kompor)
17. Bisakah menyalakan korek api dengan kentut ? <=== Ngaco!!
Jangan mengada-ada... konsistensinya lain. Juga suhunya tidak cukup panas untuk memulai pembakaran.
18. Mengapa kentut anjing & kucing lebih busuk ?
Karena anjing & kucing adalah karnivora (pemakan daging). Daging kaya akan protein. Protein mengandung banyak sulfur, jadi bau kentut binatang ini lebih busuk. Lain dengan herbivora seperti sapi, kuda, gajah, yang memproduksi kentut lebih banyak, lebih lama, lebih keras bunyinya, tapi relatif tidak berbau. (Makanya lebih baik pelihara gajah di rumah daripada anjing).
19. Betulkah bisa teler kalau mencium bau kentut 2-3 kali berturut-turut ?
Kentut mengandung sedikit oksigen, mungkin saja anda mengalami pusing kalau mencium bau kentut terlalu banyak. (Makanya yang punya hobi cium bau kentut, sebaiknya dikurangin) <=== Trus kalo lagi pengen teler tp lagi bokek, nah...loe nikmatin deh kentut loe ndiri!!
20. Apakah warna kentut ? <=== Penting gak sih nih? Hehehe...
Tidak berwarna. Kalau warnanya oranye seperti gas nitrogen oksida, akan ketahuan siapa yang kentut.
21. Kentut itu apakah asam, basa atau netral ?
Asam, karena mengandung karbondioksisa (CO2) & hidrogen sulfida (H2S).
22. Apa yang terjadi kalau seseorang kentut di planet Venus ?
Planet Venus sudah banyak mengandung sulfur(belerang) di lapisan udaranya, jadi kentut di sanapun tidak ada pengaruhnya.
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Mystery torch guard becomes Chinese sex symbol (Second Brother on the Right)
BEIJING (Reuters) - A handsome but anonymous guardian of the Olympics torch on its troubled world tour has won legions of Chinese female fans -- and plenty of marriage proposals.
Known only as "Second Brother on the Right" because of his customary position by the flame, the young man with boyish looks and cropped hair is an Internet sensation and nationalist hero.
Pictures of him in regulation blue-and-white Olimpics uniform abound on websites and Chinese media, with some fans likening him to Lei Feng, an idolized soldier of the Mao Zedong era.
"We love him not only because he is so handsome but because he represents the pride of China," one female blogger wrote.
The nameless hero's popularity soared as he was seen defending the torch from pro-free Tibet protests on its international tour before reaching China for the Games.
"Take your hands away from my dearest brother, you cop!" wrote another female fan, "Rabbit", next to a photo of a British policeman pushing the guard as he wrestled with a protester in a London street during the British leg of the tour.
Those demonstrations brought a counter-wave of patriotism among many young Chinese, who suspected a Western conspiracy to blacken China's name at one of its greatest moments.
Tiring of China's new wave of pop and TV stars, fans have idealized "Second Brother" as representing ancient values.
"They praised him for his 360-degree handsome look, well-built body in perfect proportion, refined and exemplary postures, smile and courtesy to torch bearers, his pals and audience, and determination to safeguard the Olympic spirit," reads his entry in the Wikipedia Web database.
"In torch relay pictures, he stayed calm and confident during violent situations, and gracious, graceful and proud in most others ... Those (other) stars or idols lacking an unpolluted and vigorous temperament are not attractive any longer."
"Second Brother" is not the only hero among the torch guards, who, by contrast with their status at home, were sometimes vilified in the West for being unquestioning representatives of stern Chinese authority.
Other guards have been given nicknames such as "Leading Handsome", "Ravishing Hand", "Kindness" and even "Noodle Soup".
On return to China, where the torch relays were peaceful in the run-up to the start of the Games on Friday, authorities have kept the guards' identities a state secret.
But that has not dampened female enthusiasm.
"My dear Second Brother on the Right, please marry me!" begged one girl on a site with 542 pages of odes and photos to the nameless hero.
(Additional reporting by Liu Zhen; Editing by Nick Macfie)
Monday, August 11, 2008
Singapore Flyer changed its direction
Singapore Flyer changed its direction because of bad feng shui? Seriously, that is one of most ridiculous things I ever heard. But let's observe more some facts.
- The final capsule was installed on 2 Oct 07, the wheel started rotating on 11 Feb 08 and it officially opened to the public on 1 March 08.
- Singapore's economy has grown 7.5 percent for the whole of 2007.
- Singapore PM, Lee Hsien Loon in his 2008 New Year Message on 31 Jan 07 expected the Singapore economy to grow by 4.5 percent to 6.5 percent in 2008.
- On today's press release, Ministry of Trade and Industry (MTI) announced that Singapore economy is expected to grow by 4.0 - 5.0 percent in 2008. In the second quarter of 2008, GDP grew by 2.1 percent year on year, down from 6.9 percent increase in the preceding year. For the first half of 2008, the real GDP grew by 4.5 percent.
Anyway, the direction of the wheel has been changed, so let's see how the economy will head to. Going worse or better? If going worse, will the flyer be shut down?
Here is the quote of the news.
AFP - Saturday, August 9SINGAPORE, Aug 9, 2008 (AFP) - Officials in Singapore have changed the direction of the world's biggest observation wheel because feng shui masters said it was taking good fortune away from the city, a report said Saturday.
The Singapore Flyer, which opened earlier this year, had originally revolved so that it rose to face the business district and went down overlooking the sea, the Strait Times newspaper said.However, masters of the ancient Chinese art of geomancy convinced the wheel's management to reverse it so that it was not taking fortune away from the city.
"A number of feng shui masters had approached us to tell us that the Flyer is on the perfect site to pick up the good qi (energy) flowing into Singapore, but it was going in the wrong direction," said Florian Bollen, the Singapore Flyer's chairman.
"The Flyer was going against the sun and taking fortune away from Singapore."
Bollen likened the change to the "completion of a perfect movie" to give a better story, but added that it cost the company a "six figure sum," the report said.
For visitors now riding one of the wheel's 28 air-conditioned capsules, their view starts with beaches and housing estates in the east and culminates with a vista of the business centre.
At 165 metres (545 feet), or 42 storeys, the Singapore Flyer is 30 metres higher than Britain's London Eye, said builders Great Wheel Corp.
Despite being a modern city Singapore is a largely ethnic Chinese nation, where traditions still hold sway.
Monday, August 4, 2008
who moved the big cheese?
"who moved the big cheese?" was my yahoo messenger status today. I thought of this statement on my bus way to office while reading English idioms book. There is a "big cheese" idiom, which means the person who are important to the group. When putting the status this morning, it didn't mean anything to me and i never thought it would later on. Before lunch time I heard a shocking news, big cheese has made a big move. It has left a question to all of us, who moved the big cheese? and why???
Sunday, August 3, 2008
Bunga Cinta Lestari's new single "Tentang Kamu"
It is very simple slow love song that anyone can easily like this song.
Please feel free to listen to this song.
And here is the song lyric and the translation (Sorry for the rough translation hehe):
ku tak bisa menebak
I cannot guess
ku tak bisa membaca
I cannot read
tentang kamu
about you
tentang kamu
about you
kau buat ku bertanya slalu dalam hatiku
you always made me questioning myself
tentang kamu
about you
tentang kamu
about you
bagaimana bila akhirnya ku cinta kau
what if i'm falling in love eventually
dari kekuranganmu hingga lebihmu
from your weakness to your adequacy
bagaimana bila semua benar terjadi
what if this all is truly happening
mungkin inilah yang terindah
probably this is the best
begitu banyak bintang sperti pertanyaanku
there are so as many stars as my questions
tentang kamu
about you
tentang kamu
about you
back to [reff]
back to [reff]
Saturday, August 2, 2008
10 Facts about Cholesterol
2. Compelling evidence shows that the atherosclerotic process (buildup of fatty plaque in arteries) starts in childhood and progresses slowly into adulthood. Children from high-risk families (parents with high cholesterol, or parents or grandparents with heart disease at 55 years or younger) should have their cholesterol levels tested.
3. Your blood cholesterol is primarily made up of two kinds of cholesterol. LDL (low-density lipoprotein) is the “bad” cholesterol because when too much of it circulates in the blood, it can slowly build up in the walls of the arteries that feed the heart and brain. HDL (high-density lipoprotein) is the “good” cholesterol because it helps remove “bad” cholesterol from arteries and prevent blockage. Triglyceride is a form of fat. It is made in your body and also comes from food. People with high triglycerides often have high total cholesterol, high LDL cholesterol and a low HDL cholesterol level.
4. High cholesterol has no symptoms, so the only way to know your cholesterol levels is by having them checked.
5. First and foremost you should check your lifestyle habits. Are you a smoker? Do you eat too much saturated fat, trans fat or cholesterol? Are you physically inactive? All of these modifiable factors can affect your cholesterol levels. Before starting you on medication, your physician will probably address your diet and exercise and smoking habits. Then, if heart-healthy eating, at least 30 minutes of moderately vigorous physical activity on five or more days of the week and quitting smoking don’t lower your cholesterol, your doctor may prescribe medication. Even if you’re taking medication, it’s important to maintain a heart-healthy lifestyle.
6. High cholesterol levels put you at risk for atherosclerosis (fatty buildups of plaque in artery walls). These deposits can contribute to blocking the blood flow to a part of the heart muscle and cause a heart attack. A high LDL level (more than 160 mg/dL or 130 mg/dL or above if you have two or more risk factors for cardiovascular disease) indicates an increased risk of heart disease. Atherosclerosis in arteries in or leading to the brain can result in stroke.
7. You can also include diabetes and increasing age. Women tend to have lower total cholesterol levels than men before the age of menopause, but after menopause, women’s LDL levels tend to rise. Risk factors for heart disease and stroke amplify one another rather than just adding up. The more risk factors you have, the higher your risk for heart disease and stroke.
8. Bran muffins and all baked goods may hold a “hidden” source of a cholesterol-raising fat. The nutrition label may list the cholesterol content as none or low, but look for hydrogenated fats and oils in the ingredients list. These are known as trans fats. Along with saturated fats, they're the main dietary causes of high blood cholesterol. The amount of trans fat in food is listed on the Nutrition Facts panel. Learning to read and interpret food labels is important in limiting your intake of saturated fats.
9. Neither the American Heart Association or the federal government’s National Cholesterol Education Program recommends postmenopausal hormone therapy (PHT, formerly called hormone replacement therapy or HRT) as an alternative to cholesterol-lowering drugs for women at risk for elevated cholesterol levels. PHT is not for every woman. To reduce the risk of a first heart attack or stroke, the American Heart Association recommends reducing risk factors such as high cholesterol and blood pressure with lifestyle changes and, if needed, taking medications.
10. you need to have your cholesterol checked by your healthcare provider, learn all of your numbers and change your lifestyle if the numbers are borderline-high or high. If lifestyle changes alone don’t lower your cholesterol level, talk to your healthcare provider about medication. And if you’re on medication now, remember that you still need to live a heart-healthy lifestyle and take your medication exactly as your doctor has prescribed.
Source : American Heart Association
Friday, August 1, 2008
Physicians, health organizations, medical schools, hospitals, health professionals, and dedicated individuals are coming together to build the most comprehensive medical resource in the world that will benefit millions of people every year.
Medpedia aims to inspire a new generation of doctors, nurses, medical professionals, and patients by allowing unprecedented numbers of individuals the ability to contribute to the well-being of humanity.
The website is currently under construction and will officially launch in late 2008. Preview sample pages. is maintained by Medpedia Inc., a part of Ooga Labs, a technology greenhouse in San Francisco, and runs on Mediawiki, open source software which runs many wikis including Wikipedia. Like Wikipedia, the content created on is freely licensable under the GNU Free Documentation License (GFDL).